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Chapter Three E-C Translation of Cosmetic Instructions in the Light of Skopostheorie

时间:2016-07-27 16:25:00 编辑:知网 阅读:

知网论文查重-With the development of the global market, many foreign cosmetic products enter into Chinese market. As the bridge that connects consumers and company, cosmetics instructions play a significant role. Among many translation theories, skopostheorie is considered as a relatively appropriate theory in guiding the translation of cosmetic instructions.

This paper explores the translation strategies of English-Chinese translation of female cosmetic instructions from the perspective of skopostheorie. This theory, combined with the features and function of cosmetic instructions provides theoretical foundation to the translation of cosmetic instructions. Through case studies, this paper summarizes the factors that influence the translation, and then bring up the translation strategies. A conclusion was drawn in the end that skopostheorie is of great significance in the guidance to the translation of English female cosmetic instructions.

1.1 Background and Significance of the Research

In recent years, many foreign cosmetic products are breaking into the Chinese market. Along with the high development of global market, the demand for consumer items is increasing companied by the improvement of taste for cosmetic products. For one thing, this phenomenon boosts the economic development; for another, it strengthens the communication among the people from different culture. Cosmetic instructions set a bridge both for the consumer and corporation, especially for those manufacturers who want to survive the fierce competition by adopting the methods and using the strategy in the process of translation. Also cosmetic instructions are used not only to provide the information of cosmetics but also to generate impulse purchasing desire. As is mentioned above, incorrect translation will result in big problem and the failure of promotion. In practical terms, attention should be paid to the problems caused by irresponsibly mistranslation during the process of cosmetics instruction translation.

This thesis centers on the function of cosmetic instructions and the application of skopostheorie in the translation strategy. The translation of cosmetics instructions should not be confined in the dimension of linguistics but also take the cultural factors into consideration so that the target text will fully fulfill the functions of products instructions. However, there are many kinds of mistranslation, such as inappropriate translation, irresponsible translation and word-for-word translation in our country, which brings bad image of the products and puzzles the consumer. Furthermore, the manufacturers of cosmetics have no notion to treat the translation as a way of promotion. To keep pace with the development of global marketing and to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds, more efforts should be made to improve the translation quality of target text. The study on the cosmetic instruction translation will be a guide to a better situation for the company.

1.2 Research Methodology and Data Collection

On the whole, the research methods that this paper has adopted include qualitative analysis and literature research method. First-hand E-C cosmetic instructions are obtained from official web-sites. And all the materials are selected from books or theses that are relative to this study. In order to ensure the objectivity, accuracy and facticity of the research, the cosmetic instructions are chosen from different product types. The product types vary from lipstick, cream, oil, mascara and so on. The research of translation strategies of cosmetic instructions is made from the perspective of skopostheorie.

The methodology that applied in this paper is textual analysis. All the materials chosen are first-hand cosmetic instructions. They are all chosen from official web sites and they are all of different brands. The translation of cosmetic instructions will be analyzed from the perspective of skopostheorie. All the materials are authentic cosmetic instructions with instructions of both English and Chinese version. The cosmetic instructions selected cover a comparatively wide range of products types, including cream, powder, gel and so on to make the analysis more comprehensive and more scientific.

1.3 Research Structure

This paper consists of 4 chapters: introduction, literature review, E-C Translation of Cosmetic Instructions in the Light of Skopostheorie

In the opening section, the characteristics of the words that employed in the cosmetic instructions and the function of cosmetic instructions is briefly introduced. To make the structure of this paper more logical ,this chapter also contains literature review and significance and methods of the research.

In chapter two has a specific explanation of skopostheorie. And more attention will be paid to three rules in the skopostheorie, including skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. And the application of the three rules is contained in this chapter.

Chapter three is an important part of the paper. Chapter three has a introduction of theoretical foundation.The paper will focus on features and function of cosmetic instructions.Then more attention will be paid to the application of Skopostheorie in E-C translation of CI.. Through a lot of examples try to analyze the strategies of E-C translation of cosmetic instructions in the light of skopostheorie. At different level, such as lexical level, syntactic level, and culture level. And to try to find out how to make the translation of cosmetic instructions more accepted by the consumers from different culture backgrounds.

Chapter four is the conclusion of the paper. It proves that under the guidance of skopostheorie, the translation of cosmetic instructions is more accepted by the target consumers.

